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Titanic 1997

2023-06-04| 来源:互联网| 查看: 317| 评论: 0

摘要: DoubanHighScoreFilmTOP50Catalog1.TheShawshankRedemption19942.FarewellMyConcubine,19933."ForrestGump"19944."ThisKillerIsNotTooCold"19945.Titanic19976.'......
Douban High Score Film TOP 50 Catalog
1. The Shawshank Redemption 1994
2. Farewell My Concubine, 1993
3. "Forrest Gump" 1994
4. "This Killer Is Not Too Cold" 1994
5. Titanic 1997
6. 'Beautiful Life' 1997
7. "Thousand and Thousand Seeks" 2001
8. Schindler's List 1993
9. Inception 2010
10. "The Story of the Eight Loyal Dogs" 2009
11. Star Trek 2014
12. Truman's World 1998
13. "Pianist at Sea" 1998
14. "Three Fools Make a Big fuss in Bollywood" 2009
15. Robot Story 2008
16. "Spring of the Cattle Ranching Class" 2004
17. Infernal Affairs 2002
18. Crazy Animal City 2016
19. "Journey to the West: The Great Sage Getting Married" 1995
20. "Furnace" 2011
21. The Godfather 1972
22. When Happiness Knocks on the Door 2006
23. "Dragon Cat" 1998
24. "Heart Beating" 2010
25. "Prosecution Witnesses" 1957
26. Untouchable 2011
27. The Last Emperor 1987
28. Batman: Dark Knight 2008
29. "Journey to the Dream Hunt" 2017
30. To Live 1994
31. "Lord of the Rings 3: The King of Kings" 2003
32. Gone with the Wind 1939
33. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2001
34. "Why Home" 2018
35. "Flying House Journey" 2009
36. Suyuan 2013
37. Wrestling! Dad 2016
38. "Twelve Wrath Han" 1957
39. "The Fantasy Drifting of the Youth School" 2012
40. "Hal's Mobile Castle" 2004
41. "The Ghost Comes" 2000
42. "I Am Not a Medicine God" 2018
43. "Journey to the West: Moonlight Treasure Box" 1995
44. Sky City 1986
45. Paradise Cinema 1998
46 "Smell the Fragrance and Identify Women"
47 'Lord of the Rings 2: Twin Towers'
48 Roman Holiday
49 "Cat and Mouse Games"
50. Defender 2013
Derry Girls Season 3 The Prince of Egypt Derry Girls Season 3 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days The Man in the Iron Mask
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